Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ron Paul: What if?

Speech before the US House of Representatives, 02/12/09

Madam Speaker,

I have a few questions for my colleagues.

What if our foreign policy of the past century is deeply flawed and has not served our national security interests?

What if we wake up one day and realize that the terrorist threat is a predictable consequence of our meddling in the affairs of others and has nothing to do with us being free and prosperous?

What if propping up repressive regimes in the Middle East endangers both the United States and Israel?

What if occupying countries like Iraq and Afghanistan - and bombing Pakistan - is directly related to the hatred directed toward us?

What if someday it dawns on us that losing over 5,000 American military personnel in the Middle East since 9/11 is not a fair trade-off for the loss of nearly 3,000 American citizens, no matter how many Iraqi, Pakistani, and Afghan people are killed or displaced?

What if we finally decide that torture, even if called "enhanced interrogation techniques," is self-destructive and produces no useful information - and that contracting it out to a third world nation is just as evil?

What if it is finally realized that war and military spending is always destructive to the economy?

What if all wartime spending is paid for through the deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing?

What if we finally see that wartime conditions always undermine personal liberty?

What if conservatives, who preach small government, wake up and realize that our interventionist foreign policy provides the greatest incentive to expand the government?

What if conservatives understood once again that their only logical position is to reject military intervention and managing an empire throughout the world?

What if the American people woke up and understood that the official reasons for going to war are almost always based on lies and promoted by war propaganda in order to serve special interests?

What if we as a nation came to realize that the quest for empire eventually destroys all great nations?

What if Obama has no intention of leaving Iraq?

What if a military draft is being planned for the wars that will spread if our foreign policy is not changed?

What if the American people learn the truth: that our foreign policy has nothing to do with national security and that it never changes from one administration to the next?

What if war and preparation for war is a racket serving the special interests?

What if President Obama is completely wrong about Afghanistan and it turns out worse than Iraq and Vietnam put together?

What if Christianity actually teaches peace and not preventive wars of aggression?

What if diplomacy is found to be superior to bombs and bribes in protecting America?

What happens if my concerns are completely unfounded - nothing!

What happens if my concerns are justified and ignored - nothing good!

Ron Paul is a republican member of congress from Texas.

‘Obama Robin Hood’

Recently ET displayed a likely move by Indian government to oppose Obama lead US government's protectionist initiative move against outsourcing and "contest" against it in World Trade Organization. Often Indians support socialism based mixed economy, now US is turning red it is becoming Socialist. To discourage outsourcing, Obama has announced to not to provide any tax relief to the companies that outsources jobs to other countries. India is the outsourcing hub of the world, so it is obvious that Indian government is worried about the move.
Indian economy is swiftly reaching the extremes of deep turmoil. The export of handicrafts from India reduced by 50% hence it is clear that Indian labour market is in recession, Indians are loosing jobs in foreign countries too and government is already planning to help them out somehow.

Such protectionist moves will further force India to suffer hence Indian government is very likely to voice against such moves by Obama lead US government.

Yet, my question is, Is Indian government morally right to raise such issue?

First of all let me clear out, I am not at all supporting Obama's protectionist tactics.

What Obama is trying to do is to encourage American companies to employ the American workers as the unemployment is increasing sharply in US.

US companies outsources jobs to other countries because they get cheaper, competitive and good work-force outside and hence it provides them greater profits.

To avoid that, Obama is now trying to reduce the profits a company can gain by outsourcing, so that the company may protect the jobs for US citizens.

We can say that it is nothing different the reservation for Americans. That is, although US companies are free to employ workers from other nations and outsource jobs too, they will not get tax reliefs if they do so and that will decrease their profits.

When Indian Commerce and Industry minister Kamal Nath, who is a bigwig of congress, says that India will oppose such protectionist moves, I feel like laughing.

If Indian government really feel that such protectionist moves are wrong and reservation should not be there, why do Indian government support reservations in India?

Just some months ago, Congress lead UPA government was trying to enforce quotas and reservation for schedule tribe, schedule caste, OBC's and others in private sector too, was not that wrong?

How logical it is to force a private company and intervene in its internal matter about whom it should employ and whom it should not?

Sincerely, before opposing Obama, Kamal Nath and whole congress party should mull about and look inside their own pockets, they hold no moral ground to oppose Obama's move. In Fact, Indian government is much more culprit and misplaced with its irrational schemes of reservation.

Obama is hell bent to declare himself as the new Avtar of Robin Hood.

He is seeking some $1 trillion tax increase in budget plan. He is establishing socialism in US, ending any relief for the hopes of freedom and capitalism.

To pay for permanent tax breaks for the lower income group, Obama has proposed $1 trillion to be confiscated from the highest earning US citizens, financiers, multinational corporate, and companies. Obviously, this move makes him feel like Robin Hood the robber.

Now, the lower income group obviously is huge in number, and hence it is potential vote bank too. Thus, looting the rich and distributing it in poor will help Obama in his political career.

I wonder why people cannot understand that by punishing the Job creators, no one can help job seekers. That $1 trillion, which can be used by the rich to create jobs, will be wasted on non-productive-activities again and that will further create ground for the next cycle of recession. Anyways, US new government is hell bent at cutting the roots of richness of US.

Tax is monetary punishment for being rich, for being able to earn an opulent life. Tax is an enforcement which states that you cannot live happily if some other person is not happy, that is, you are allowed to be happy only if the other person who cannot earn as much as you is also happy. Tax is socialism and obviously anti-human.

A rich man can create and provide jobs because he has potential he has money to invest. If government takes that potential out of his hands to distribute it in poor, he looses his potential to create jobs and hence further wealth.

Liberty is under threat in US.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Freedom of Speech and Expression

Blogging is not an art, it is rather an expression of freedom, and it is a power to let you realize yourself. On his page, the bloggers expresses himself uninhibitedly about anything he prefers to express about freely.

Now Indian bloggers can not do so, they may blog, yet they cannot blog freely.

They need to limit themselves about what they are talking about and how they are expressing themselves because Supreme Court of India says that the blogger may face libel charges and even prosecution for their blog content. Bloggers can be nailed for views.

Not only that, the bloggers needs to look for the content of the commenter on their blog as the blogger will be considered responsible for all the raunchy, caustic or abusive comments on any issue.

The Supreme Court refused to protect a 19 year old boy named Ajith D against the summons from Maharashtra court on a criminal case filed against him for starting a virtual community on Orkut against Shiv Sena.

Totalitarianism is official now, you may have the ways to express but you cannot express and if you do, be prepared to face the consequences.

Some months ago, when a blogger expressed his views against NDTV's live coverage of Mumbai terrorist attacks, he also faced warnings of libel and he had to remove and apologize for his post.

This case is a step forward. Ajith D is facing a criminal charge, the FIR against him is registered under Sections 506 and 295A pertaining to hurting public sentiments.

So here is the efficiency of Indian judiciary system. We cannot say for how long the kid will suffer now.

The issue of hurting public sentiments is a bit crap idea. What will not hurt the public sentiments?

If someone raises the issue of legalizing prostitution, it hurts public sentiments, if someone raises issue of legalizing alcohol, drugs or even abortions it hurts public sentiments. If someone opposes taxes and governmental policies, bail outs and economic stimulus, that also hurts public sentiments. Say anything and that will hurt public sentiment because public has no face.

Thus, remain dumb and numb and do not speak out, otherwise, someone will nail you down officially.

Ohh well you have freedom of speech and expression, so what is someone complains and file an FIR against you? You should go to court and explain your conduct, explain how you were not committing any crime but just trying to exercise your fundamental right of expression, fight for your right you may win.

Fundamental right of expression! What a cliché.

One needs to understand the humour behind the idea of fundamental rights.

Democracy is Comedy

American presidential election 2008 gave a new synonym for the change, and that was Obama. Obama, a youth politician with big plans and hope to bring about a utopian "change", able to give a dream to American youth, that "yes, they can", they can bring about a change to make their wild dreams come true, if Obama leads them, they can see a unicorn in day light ready to ride them to the colourful destiny of equality, free education, free jobs, free food, free healthcare, free and safe water, pollution free power, security against failure, and all a dreamer can dream for.
Ohh yes, dreams come true, they do. America is turning red as fast as it can.
Now the political wave is heating Indian arena, the general election of 2009.
Voters often complains that Indian political frame doesn't provide young politicians full of energy, hope and dreams to bring about the much awaited "change" they look for.
So here are some good news for these voters, here are some young politicians entering in the political arena with a gracious guile looking for the support of voters to bring about that change.
You might have enjoyed Shekhar Suman commenting on political news and analysis each Sunday in his program at Star News "Pol Khol" with his acute sense of humour and presence of mind, clarifying the pictures and putting them in better position.

You might have enjoyed Shekhar Suman judging the comedy skills of Raju Shrivastav too, now when Raju Shrivastava is likely to contest LokSabha election from the side of congress, how will Shekhar Suman project news related to him? Obviously, it will be much more comedy from the sides of Indian parliament.
Well we can expect this much from politicians, to provide us a good comedy show.
I guess it will benefit Indian Television and radio ministry too, as now DD1 may gather more TRP's for its live coverage of parliamentary debates and sessions.
Instead of shoe throwing games, we can expect some Jokes.
Former cricket player Moh. Azharuddin is also set forth to contest in the upcoming election. Congress have invited him to win a seat for them. He was removed from Indian cricket team for some complains of match fixing and corruption.

Munna Bhai MBBS a.k.a Sanjay Dutt already has decided to contest the election for SamajWadi party.
So here is the bait, choose the young famous politicians, and decide the future of democracy.
I wonder if Indians really deserve any better politicians then these, or are there any better politicians then these in whole political spectrum of India?
So true, democracy is comedy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Individual, Society and Market

Often people engages in highly raucous arguments about free-market or free-society.

If a person supports free-market or free-society, what actually he want to express, whose freedom is he really talking about?

Market and society both are human constructs they actually do not exist.
What exists is Individual, and since he exists, he has a fundamental right, right to exist, right to live.
These entire human construct like society or market (both are same with NO DIFFERENCE) are nothing but result of human endeavour to live free.
Freedom here means freedom of man from men, Individual freedom from group or other man. His freedom his individual right need to be secured and protected and that is the basic principle of any market any society.
If this is not the basic idea basic logic, and basic aim of market or society, than it is a crap market or society and it is deemed to fail and suffer.
About need of contract, society or market and its recognition, it is a contract, a well defined contract.
If the man is alone in this universe, he does not need to define any right; he does not need to construct any idea like society or market.
However, solipsism is not possible, man is not alone, there are other men, and the acceptance of each man to live free, is the contract base of any market any society.
The market or society, which does not recognize this fundamental principle of right to live free and hence other consequential rights, can surely not be free.
That is, if the market is not well regulated with the thread of this basic individual right, then it is neither free nor market nor society nor civilization, it is brutes world!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Political Correctness

The following is the winning entry from an annual contest at Texas A&M University calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.

This year's term was Political Correctness.

The winner wrote:
“Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.”

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Learning the Right Ways

The new saffron group, Ram Sena's supremo Mr. Muthalik showed that he knows what is difference between peace and violence, protest and hooliganism.

Rediff news informs that Mr Muthalik said

"We have no intention of creating trouble for anyone and neither will we resort to any violence," Muthalik stated. "In case any of our activists find anyone dressed indecently, then we will just protest in front of them," he added.

Ok there is no wrong in that, although it is not a matter of Ram Sena or anybody else to suggest what is decent and what is Indecent. Yet, if they keep their protest decent and peaceful, one can fathom that.

Anyways, I am not much interested in V-Day or V-Day celebrations, it is a useless issue.

In Madhya Pradesh also there will be some protests against V-Day and in favour of V-Day!

As protesters from both sides will protest and do various kinds of dramatics regarding their views, I personally want to make an appeal to both of the groups the Pro-V-Day supporters and Anti-V-Day supporters to let the commoners go by easily, please DO NOT disturb traffic, do not burn buses do not break shops window panes and doors, do not start abusing each other please do not throw stones on each other, Please avoid any sort of hooliganism for any cause, and follow the words of peace protests you are promising!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Immanuel Kant was a real piss ant
who was very rarely stable.
Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
who could think you under the table.
David Hume could out consume
Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
who was just as sloshed as Schlegel.

There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya
'bout the raisin' of the wrist.
Socrates himself was permanently pissed.

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will,
after half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.
Plato, they say, could stick it away,
'alf a crate of whiskey every day!
Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle,
and Hobbes was fond of his Dram.
And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart:
"I drink, therefore I am"

Yes, Socrates, himself, is particularly missed;
A lovely little thinker but a bugger when he's pissed!

*lyrics by Monty Python

Monday, February 9, 2009

Indian Hypocrisy

Since the US government and senators started imposing a ban on H-1 B hiring for companies looking for revival through bail outs, every Indian reporter, columnist, economist and even common bloggers started criticizing the protectionist move.

Even I criticized that protectionist move, as obviously, protectionism is not ONLY harmful for foreign workers, it is harmful for US and US citizens too.

Yet, whenever I read any criticism from Indian columnists, reporters and bloggers, one question kept hitting my mind, Why this hypocrisy?

After all, what USA senate is trying to do, is it something new which Indian government is not already doing?

Actually such sort of protectionism is nothing but similar kind of "Reservation" Indian government imposes on Indian citizens and they accept it with open heart, by providing reservations on the name of caste, creed, religion and class.
Here, US government is providing reservations for US citizens. it should be nothing new to Indians. Actually, there were days when Indian Government was learning reasonable, right and good from USA government, now situations are opposite, USA government is learning irrational, wrong and worst from Indian government.

Any Indian blogger, reporter, columnist, who is criticizing American protectionism although he supports reservations, subsidies etc by Indian government, is a big liar, and hypocrit and nothing else.

As for me, I oppose any sort of governmental interference.
more on RFL.

Don't call me a barber

An association of hair dressers expressed their objection against SRK production's new Bollywood movie Billu Barber and Shahrukh The King Khan was forced to take the word "barber" away from the title, as some groups think that Barber is derogatory.
Last month, on January 19th, a girl from pakistan who came to pursue a prodution course in Mumbai India, was beaten by a Muslim group of women belonging to a NGO because she sported a tatoo on her back in urdu.
After being assaulted beaten up and abused, she was forced to apologize by the police in written words.
Who says India doesn't have its own version of Taliban?
Read more on ReasonForLiberty.

West is Red now

USA was never a capitalist state, yet there were hopes of Liberty.
Now when USA is reddening itself in the colors of statism, government controlled robbery, socialism and communism, Liberty has no space in US. reports about the total of about $9.7 trillion economic stimulus by government in a bid to get above the so-called economic crisis.

I call it end of Freedom in USA.

Prison Inside

I find myself locked in a prison,
a prison of my own design,
it has no bars, to guard me,
no chains to confine,
just that ever graying,
thin black line.

trapped in conformity,
being what I need to be,
locked in myself,
I think I've ceased to be,
the art, the poetry of my soul,
its all fading its nearly gone.

should I break free of myself?
or am I to far gone.
would it be a better lot?
to fade completely,
and become what I am not.

questions with no answers,
and no one to see my plight,
I feel myself fading,
a snuffing out of the light.

the pain of the loss,
a sad sense of regret,
a sacrifice, for the loved,
my soul has been spent.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Economic Crisis and India

So a new government report shows that Indians lost 500,000 jobs in India. Rediff news

Yet MOIA is thinking more about help package for those who are returning from foreign states.

There can be two reason.
First is, Indian government really want to profess that its foreign countries that suffered the major blow of recession, and India is doing fine. After all, it is election period, no government will feel good about exposing the reality. So, by promoting help packages for foreigners and ignoring Indians who lost job in India, government is playing safe.

Second thing is, the number of job lost can be so high (which obviously have not been displayed yet) that government knows it is useless to talk of any unemployment help package.

In any case, it is good for Indians if government keeps away from the idea of economic stimulus for anyone.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Emotional Economy plan

Recently, Indian government announced a proceeding in making of a new fund to provide economic stimulus to those Indian workers who were working outside India, but due to economic crisis and loss of jobs, may now return back to India.

Ok, how good it feels to help the Indian brothers who went away for making big millions of dollars and now are coming back as their jobs are no more.

MOIA, (The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs), is planning to ponder over an amount of Rs10 crores every year to help such workers. "ET News"

It is just a form of economic stimulus by India to overcome the issue of economic crisis. Let us discuss over it.

Not only those who went away in search of big money better jobs are loosing money, but the Indian compatriots who are dependent on production industry are loosing jobs, to say clearly, India is in huge economic crisis, yet government supported Indian new channels keep showing some fake Osama stories and economic crisis of USA, and other nations, as if India is untouched by any such crisis, and ohh yea why not, after all India is well-regulated mixed economy, how can it crumble. Yet that is not the fact. Indian government has already provided economic stimulus for Indian markets and we have shown that such stimulus will only increase the tenure of crisis.

When compared with huge amounts like Rs2000 crores, these Rs10 crores per year may seem nothing, but ultimately the Indian citizens have to pay these Rs10 crores too, it is a burden on Indian citizens as it will increase Fiscal deficit and put further debt on Indians.

Now let us discuss about Unemployment.

Unemployment is a situation when a worker is not working because either he is not getting any work, or he considers the available works not apt for him, as he is much better than doing those jobs.

It is simply not possible to not get any work, as there always remains a situation to do some work or other to gain an honest living that is what entrepreneurship is.

Yet, if a person is not working because all the available jobs he considers of low standards than what he is capable of, then it is a voluntary unemployment. That is, the worker is not working by his choice.

Consider this, a software engineer who was working in Florida someday ago at an annual package of Rs1.20 crores per annum, is now unemployed. He comes back to India. He can easily get a job in India, but he cannot get same salary package.

He was working at a salary of Rs 1 lakh per month, now he do not want to work for an annual package of Rs 2 lakh 40 thousand per annum, that is Rs15,000 per months.

Since he does not want to work at this lower salary, he is not working it is his own choice. Can we say that he is Unemployed? Yes, well he is voluntary unemployed.

Do we need to help him by any economic plan of say Rs 10 crores per annum (As MOIA is thinking about)? No, when he is not even ready to work for Rs15,000 per annum, why will he agree to beg, and if he really feel that he is in dire situation and he needs money any how, he will start working for Rs15,000 per month or even less.

A poor will be more than enough happy about getting a job of Rs2,000 per month too.

So, why providing any stimulus plan for such workers, who are returning to India because they lost their better salary providing jobs.

Someday ago, when Air India announced that it is planning to send about 15,000 workers on pay-less salaries, political parties opposed the move, but when there is no money to keep those high profile rich salary jobs, how is it possible to keep maintaining those jobs? It is simply a bad investment or "Non-Productive-Asset".

Only such Malinvestment and "Non-productive assets" actually increases economic burden and causes economic crisis.

Thus, MOIA is not planning to "help" some returnees from foreign, but it is planning to sustain economic crisis, and why is it doing so? To gain some emotional vote bank?

I will be writing more on Unemployment on ReasonForLiberty soon.

The cliché of Obama's economic stimulus plan

ET while reporting Obama's stimulus plan says

"Much of the money would go for victims of the recession in the form of food stamps, unemployment compensation and health care."
(Economic Times)

Ok, so it is the proof of governments in influence of Keynesianism. First of all, the question is, why will a person opt to go for work if he is getting free health care, and unemployment compensation?

Now, some of the workers were getting huge salaries, can government provide them same salaries? No, it will provide some money based on minimum possible need program.

If it is not provided, may a person go for looking job of some other kind, he may innovate ways to cope with new situations, but government do not want him to think.

Now the question is, when Obama is proposing $819 billion stimulus plan, which may well go to 1 trillion, from where is all this money coming from?

1> government will publish new currency notes/Dollars.

In that case, government is not making any wealth, it will again increase inflation and things will remain as it is. No improvement.

2> Government may tax more on those who are yet working and earning. Ahh so what will it make? More poor, More hungry? How will a poor hungry man provide job to another hungry/poor man?

By doing so, Obama will just decrease the potential of Americans to provide jobs for fellow Americans.

Now the thing is, US is already in huge fiscal deficits, and debt. With new stimulus plan, Americans will be indebted with further huge deficits, which they will have to pay back somehow, otherwise more world tensions, and wars will take place, more terrorism will spread its wings.

In anyways, Obama's stimulus plan is going to take US further downhill to the oblivions of mystery, loot, slavery and socialism.

By the way, I heard a bill to be passed which suggests that American companies should remove foreign workers first rather than removing American workers, now that is protectionism, the American Patriot Economic plan. The thing is, by removing cheaper and better workers first, the entrepreneurs will not get any savings, and they will have to keep bearing the costlier and less productive American workers, that will further deplete American economy, a further blow towards the down hill.

Further read: threat of protectionism

And Economic Crisis and Fiscal Stimulus by Government

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Public Display of Affection

It is not about superstar Richard Gerre and superfamous Big Boss girl Shilpa Shetty.
We complained against saffron group when they objected over the kissing incidence between the two famous personalities. May be it was a way to gather attention.
What if a common man and his wife are taken in police custody by the government police just because they were kissing alongside a railway station?
That is how the world's largest democracy works. You need to look before expressing your most honest and legitimate emotions. Police may call it obscene you know, police decides what is moral and what Indian culture is.
The good thing is Court dismissed any sort of criminal proceeding against the couple, yes the married couple. At least Indian court allows a man to kiss his wife, yet Police may beat a man's ass for doing so.
Yet, courts are also not so flexible, an Israeli couple was fined $22 for kissing after getting married in a Hindu ceremony in Rajasthan. Can you believe this? A newly married husband cannot kiss the wife in India, because it is India.
We can conveniently pee near bushes and other public places kisses by even married couples is not allowed.
Is it the problem of those saffron brands or is this the problem of well-educated next generation youth of India, the same youngistan?
In 2004, when some college students of Bangalore were interviewed, most of the male students expressed their opposition to Public Displays of Affection (PDA) while most of the girls were in favour of it. Yes, Indian girls are more open minded about the issue.
It is not only about kissing; people do not support public hugging between girls and boys too. Ahh boys cannot give "Jaddu ki Jhappi" to girls, sorry Munnabhai!
When Ram Sena attacked public pubs in Mangalore, all blamed the saffron group, yet in comments to Times of India Editor desk in 2007, most of young educated Indians with no connection of saffron group were opposing the idea of pub, smooching, kissing hugging in public places.
Is that why the kissing dragon Emran Hashmi being praised by some Indians? He may bring some "revolution" in India regarding Public Display of Affection.
The question is, is kissing really alien to Indians?
Historical facts suggest that Indians discovered the art of smooching and kissing.
Four Vedic Sanskrit texts, written in India around 1500 B.C., appear to describe people kissing.
In Mahabharat, kissing on lips is described as sign of affection, Vatsyayana Kamasutram, (Kamasutra) also describes variety of kisses. I am sure most of the Indians do not realize it now. Yet, the problem is not about kissing, it is about Public Display of Affection.
It is none of other's business what people do in their private life, but everybody started getting the pinch of salt if it is a public display of affection. Obviously it describes the importance of private property again.
For most of the people, watching Public Display of Affection becomes either amusing or embarrassing because Indian's are still not used to it. If a girl goes with a boy, taking his hand in hers on roads, everybody will stare.
Not all think it is wrong, immoral, or even disturbing. Watching couples, including newly-weds holding their hands or putting their arms around each other makes one feel happy, happy about the happiness and satisfaction of life, about the idea that all is going well. Even elder Indians does not think it is very forward or awkward when a recently wed-couple hold hands and walk in public places, one may see many old couples too walking in public gardens holding their hands together gossiping about their old days, ohh yea the dearly oldie love stories of their passed young life. Yet, if some young couple do the same in front of those old couple in public, they may feel embarrassed, disturbed, or disrespected?
In Indian colleges, girls and boys may suffer harsh punishment including suspensions if they are found roaming around with each other with necking or kissing each other.
Not all colleges are like that; Jaipur MNIT was not like that. I know it was full of full of Romeos and Juliets, some of them are married couples now. That's how life goes, guys and girls attracts, kisses, have sex, marries and make a good beautiful happy satisfied couple.
Anyways, let us think for a while, what makes kissing or smooching in public place a crime? Why should police need to arrest the couples kissing in public place? The same police which is just ineffective in every other department, why does it start showing its efficiencies in harassing honest innocent citizens.
Kissing in public is not at all an offence, not even of the type of victimless offence.
Yet all cultures, not all countries provide similar liberties to the individuals.
Now here is the hypocrisy, the same Indians who usually enjoy the boldness of the opportunity to diplay their affection publicly when they go outside India, may not support idea of PDA in India.
India is a country which provides liberty to pee here and there and spit gutkhas out there on roads, bus stands and railway stations. Yet one cannot display any sort of affection to the one he loves on the same railway station.
One can guess why the rigid irrational common legal ideas about date rapes can become extreme tyranny in India.