Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Individual, Society and Market

Often people engages in highly raucous arguments about free-market or free-society.

If a person supports free-market or free-society, what actually he want to express, whose freedom is he really talking about?

Market and society both are human constructs they actually do not exist.
What exists is Individual, and since he exists, he has a fundamental right, right to exist, right to live.
These entire human construct like society or market (both are same with NO DIFFERENCE) are nothing but result of human endeavour to live free.
Freedom here means freedom of man from men, Individual freedom from group or other man. His freedom his individual right need to be secured and protected and that is the basic principle of any market any society.
If this is not the basic idea basic logic, and basic aim of market or society, than it is a crap market or society and it is deemed to fail and suffer.
About need of contract, society or market and its recognition, it is a contract, a well defined contract.
If the man is alone in this universe, he does not need to define any right; he does not need to construct any idea like society or market.
However, solipsism is not possible, man is not alone, there are other men, and the acceptance of each man to live free, is the contract base of any market any society.
The market or society, which does not recognize this fundamental principle of right to live free and hence other consequential rights, can surely not be free.
That is, if the market is not well regulated with the thread of this basic individual right, then it is neither free nor market nor society nor civilization, it is brutes world!

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