Tuesday, April 9, 2013

No man is fit to rule over another

The moment people give one group an exception to morality - to theft, to kidnapping, to murder, to any form of coercion; the moment that pass is given, you wind up with concentration camps and mass extermination. It may take a decade, it may take a thousand years, depending on how many 'checks and balances' are put into place, but no matter how long it takes, it shall be the end result.

What works in a genuine civil society is decentralization of power - not giving ANYONE a free pass to act immorally - to act coercively. Once that pass is handed out, civil society goes into decline. It may take generations. It may happen so slowly that most people will fail to recognize what is happening, but I put it to you that this is a fundamental law of power, of handing out a moral exemption to a person or a group of persons.

Believing that checks and balances can prevent the end result of this fundamental corruption is a fantasy rooted in one's own complicity and or fear.

The Case for a Voluntaryist Society!

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